Testing process

How Rangemaster test ovens, hobs and grills

For that extra peace of mind, all new Rangemaster products go through a series of tests to ensure they can stand the heat.

Our Home Economist, Alex, gives an insight below to her testing process and the vital role she plays in making sure your model performs to the highest standard.

Toledo +

The development of a Rangemaster cooker starts from the basis that the most important function of the appliance is to cook food in an efficient and safe manner. Rangemaster follow the British and European Standard BS EN 50304:2009 and BS EN 60350:2009 as well as the appropriate safety standards when developing our range of cookers.

small cake

We know that actual cooking in the oven is vital during its development.  Rangemaster uses small cakes to determine the heat distribution in electric ovens.  These cakes are always made from the same ingredients and 28g of the raw cake mixture is weighed into each greaseproof paper cake case.  Even the size and grade of paper of these cases is laid down in the standard.  After cooking, the tops and bases of the cakes are examined to note any differences in browning.  If the cakes are not evenly browned, we go back to the development engineers who will make some changes to the oven cavity to remedy any unevenness and then test cooking is done again to verify the changes.

Apple Pie

As well as small cakes, we use scones and fruit cake which cover 3 different cooking temperatures - cool (fruit cake), medium heat, (small cakes) and scones (high temperature). Apple pies are used to check if the oven can cope with a heavy load.  Once again the colour of the base and top is checked and that the filling is cooked.

Nexus range cooker

As we manufacture one of the largest oven cavities available, which is great for family cooking, we also cook a full meal in the oven and check it is large enough for your 11.3kg (25lb) Christmas turkey.


The hob, being a vital part of cooker is also subjected to testing.  Can the burners be turned right down without the flame going out?  Of course!  Are the zones on an induction hob as responsive as they should be? Yes! The griddles provided with your Rangemaster are thoroughly tested to see if the coating is non-stick during cooking and cleaning and the triple ring burners and wok cradle are checked out using our Rangemaster non-stick wok.

Encore Deluxe grill

When it comes to grills, we test with toast to calculate the percentage browned in relation to the size of the grilling area and the time taken to do this.   Beefburgers are also cooked to see the uniformity of cooking and browning.